Thursday, May 10, 2012

Author Interview with Robbi Bryant and her novel The Beautiful Evil

THE BEAUTIFUL EVILOur author interview today is with Robbi Bryant the author of The Beautiful Evil (4.2 stars on 37 reviews) which is a psychological thriller. Fans of Steven King and Dean Koontz will enjoy The Beautiful Evil. Book Description: Constance Sartone Jacobson never recovered the sudden death of her father when she was only five. Devastated by her husband’s death and the scandal that ensues, Constance’s mother, Madeline, does little to comfort her scared and lonely daughter. With nowhere to turn, Constance protects herself by closing off her emotions.
Through vivid dreams and daytime visions Constance’s father calls to her from a horse-drawn stagecoach. These visions help Constance cope with her humdrum life and failing marriage. But things are about to change. On a business trip with her husband, she purchases an antique Greek vase… read the complete book description on Amazon.

Interview with Robbi Bryant

  1. Where are you from? Originally from Cincinnati, OH. Now, from Sonoma County, CA
  2. When and why did you begin writing? I began writing in 1986 as an assignment given to me by a therapist to write short stories about various issues.
  3. What inspired you to write your first book? My therapist.
  4. Do you have a specific writing style? For novels and stories, I simply sit down and write—then I took a screenplay writing course and learned how to storyboard, do character sheets and more. My first screenplay was written this way—and I really like the technique.
  5. What books have most influenced your life most? Joyce Carol Oates—inspired my writing style. Lord of The Flies—creating symbolism, Mastering The Tarot—metaphysical and spiritual philosophy, The Magus—creating symbolism. The Passion—writing style. Kiss Me, Judas—writing the shadow, Interview With The vampire—writing style
  6. Tell us your latest news. Just finished a screenplay!
  7. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? Joyce Carol Oates
  8. What book are you reading now? Bullies, Bastards and Bitches. How to write the bad guys of fiction.
  9. What are your current projects? Promoting my screenplay
  10. Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? In high school, I got a great teacher response—she passed my story around to other teachers to read.
  11. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? Writing novels.
  12. Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? Depends on the project.
  13. Who designed the covers? The Beautiful Evil cover #1, a picture I chose from istockphoto, 2nd edition, Jeff Bennington designed.
  14. What was the hardest part of writing your book? The idea of writing it.
  15. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? Write a novel, one word at a time.
  16. Do you have any advice for other writers? Marketing is the hard part.
  17. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? I appreciate all of my readers support!
  18. What has been the most surprising thing you learned from creating your books? That there are companies that are efficient, can be contacted immediately by phone and are supportive: Create Space
  19. Do you have any suggestions to help others become a better writer? Read. Take classes on writing. Read books on writing. Hang out with other writers.
  20. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Impulse can be a bitch. LOL.
Follow Robbi on Twitter: @SweetTalk29
Visit her website:
Get your copy of The Beautiful Evil on Amazon.

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